If you are new to the vast world of architecture, as a student it is very overwhelming. How do you survive? How do you thrive? What even is architecture? The intent of this website is to not only assist you throughout your architecture journey, but help you thrive!
Here are 6 quick tips to really help you navigate through your first year in architecture school.
Learn to be Emotionally Detached
No, I am not asking you to become a robot here, don't fret! But, being an architecture student will surprise you. When you spend hours, days, weeks, months on one singular project, you typically form an emotional attachment to that project. Your projects are your little babies! I don't blame you at all!
However, by not becoming emotionally attached to your work, you are able to focus more on the big picture of things. Architecture reviews and critiques can be very harsh - especially to someone with not critique experience. These reviews are not intended to destroy your self esteem. They are supposed to challenge your line of thought, and make you think differently.
When you put aside your emotions, you really are able to focus on the project itself and push it even more. It is natural for any student to really develop these attachments! But, the purpose of school is to make you think differently and learn and grow as a result.
Learn How to Build
In school there are so many beautiful models that you will encounter. But chances are, the model maker has a firm understanding of construction and model-making. The models you make first as a student will inevitably be quite bad. But that is okay! Skills can take years to develop, so be easy on yourself and breathe.
I recommend to anyone to learn how to use your hands and build things. You can do this by spending more time in the wood shop at your college. You can even venture into workshops about brick laying outside of class time. Regardless, the architecture major is a unique one - where you can physically build amazing things and models.
Learn the craft and artistry. The earlier you learn how to use power tools, the mill, and 3D printer, the less of a learning curve you will face later on!

Organize Everything!
Speaking as a highly organized individual, my organizational skills were critical to my success in architecture school. Learn to organize everything. This will become your crutch in school.
Learn to organize your files. Have a general file naming convention for all of your projects and use file folders on your computer. Personally speaking, I use a standard naming convention of "date.title.state." For instance, a file on my computer might look like this: 20200131.FlowMuseumExpansion.MassingIteration2
I also recommending organizing your class notes. Studio is a little bit untraditional, where you can quickly jot down notes in a sketchbook. But for your structures / math classes, I would recommend just organizing your class notes and work in a nice way. Studio classes in architecture tend to escalate quickly, so be cognizant of this!
Understand that procrastination in the architecture major is your enemy! But, I would also recommend organizing and planning out free time for yourself to breathe. Don't burn yourself out. It is not worth the mental toll(:
Do NOT Skip Class
Transitioning from high school to college is kind of funky, as you become solely accountable for your own actions. Sure, your professor might not take attendance, but do not think they do not notice that you skipped class for two weeks in a row!
There are some weeks when studio gets insanely intense! And I have skipped a construction lecture here and there - I won't lie to you! But, you can fall behind quickly. If you need a mental day off here and there, I think that is okay! Please take care of your mental and sleep as much as you can.
If you need motivation to NOT skip classes, with a simple math calculation you can quickly determine how much each class costs at your university based on the tuition. Some classes my friends have calculated in the past are around $45 per class! It is expensive. Education is really expensive. So, make sure you are getting your full money's worth!
Respect others - Including Yourself
In architecture, we model all the time! My school provide each student with a desk set up, which is great! But, even though you and your peers are working in the same spaces, that does NOT give you permission to touch your peer's models. Please do NOT go snooping throughout their desks to peek at their drawing sets. Guaranteed in school, you will become curious at the work your peers are doing. However, please respect their space and privacy.
Also, please respect yourself and your body. Nourish yourself with good foods. You might not be able to sleep much, so make sure you are fueling your body with good, wholesome foods. And also respect your personal limits. If you need to take a mental day, please do so! It is hard to recover when you are burned out.
Sketch Anything and Everything
Architecture is a beautiful major because you can draw all the time! Students are always encouraged to doodle in class which is awesome! But, if you are new to art, learn how to sketch. I can make some beginner tutorials if you are interested. But carry your sketchbook around and sketch as much as you can.
Architects communicate through sketches, so everyone must become super comfortable with sketching at the end of the day!